Super Human Resources
Hazel Dunsmore, PHR, SHRM-CP
New Supervisor Training Program
Unit 1
Objective: List common characteristics and skills of effective supervisors.
Unit 3 - Workplace Safety
Unit 2 - Getting the Job Done
Unit 2
Objective: List the elements of effective communication.
Unit 4 - Teamwork & Cooperation
Unit 5 - Employee Development
Unit 3
Objective: Use problem-solving strategies to address potential safety hazards.
Unit 4
Objective: List the essential elements of team building.
Unit 5
Objective: Explain the difference between leadership and management
Unit 6 - Record Keeping
Unit 6
Objective: Discuss the supervisor's role in maintaining accurate records.
Click on the unit below to link to view the lesson presentation. View class preparation and discussion materials by clicking on the pdf document by each of the unit objectives.
Utilizing the flipped classroom approach, participants will view the assigned unit before each class session. Learning objectives and discussion and review questions are available for each unit.
In class, participants will work as a group on specific skill building activities, and put into practice the skills they have learned in each unit.
As participants explore concepts together they will form supportive relationships with their cohort group. The idea is that they will mentor each other and serve as sounding boards and support as they encounter new situations in real life.